Outing @ sumo house
hey, huiling here..
was thinking wanna update on our outing. our first outing with the J1s. yup.
heehs, i wanna post pictures nehh but really hope you all dun mind la, ok?
warning: do not be too conscious of yourself. you look absolutely fine!!
okies, firstly, here is myyyyy bento set. lol.
it is soba(cold noodles) and tempura, accompanied with salad, orange, pickled vegetables and wasabe i have no use for ( since no raw meat mah).
it is really sumo-like can, lol, super big portions. i was full. plus, it is at an incredible price of $5.90. though it is not as nice as other jap food i have eaten, it was worth every cent. lols.
this is our president pauline and janice, enjoying their meal. sorry for such a shot because i know that both of you will never and i mean never pose nicely for me to take a pic of you girls. its okay, u look natural here =).
here is amelia aka mei nu, our vp. lol she sat opposite me, so take pic alone lol. yum yum, she and her tempura with udon. though the tempura is soaked, but she seems to enjoy it still. happy little girl ^^.
now, sujun and vanessa. lol, they were quite shocked la when i asked them to smile for a picture. at least they were spontaneous enough. heehs.
this is a special close-up to vanessa's sushi and udon set. see how large is the sushi!! >< ( you can compare it with the size of the tea cup in the pic.. )
plus, see the ball of wasabe beside the sushi. lol, they were saying that it looked like play dough?
yea. later, i think i was too bloated and didn't take anymore photos. Yixuan, Ruixuan and Michelle also joined us later.
though it wasn't very exciting an outing, but i felt it was a good break from the weekly meetings we hold in the classroom of nanyang jc. lol. we found the way to sumo house with a map, courtesy of xinni. overall, it was good.
random: see the circled people? lol they are none other than our fellow jfire members namely pauline, janice, vanessa and sujun. they walk very slow can. amelia and i have to wait for them to catch up and to take a pic of them lol. they walk a step, then stop to talk and the cycle goes on till they stroll all the way to amk hub. interesting! lol ><
i suggest we shall have another outing and go eat again.. lol i want spicy ramen!!!^^ loves. hahas but pauline says they taste like maggie mee. so different i feel.
whether ramen or not, we are still going streetfest right? be free on that day! ( so cool i wanna see streetfest but have no idea how i am going to fit in with the non-jappy clothes i haf, or we dun haf to dress up? )
yes, other Jfire members who missed this outing, do join us for future outings okay? it'll be fun and yum yum. lol
signing off,
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